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Composite Roofing

by The Roof Buying Team on February 18, 2011

Roof is one of the most important part of a house since it is the one that serves as protection from outside elements like dust, sap from surrounding trees, water, etc. It is the houseowner’s responsibility to make sure that nothing could damage the roof. But there are unavoidable circumstances that call for immediate replacement of your roof.

When the need for roof replacement arises, make sure that the new roof would prevent your house from leaks, accentuate the look  and increases the value of your house. Also, always choose the best quality and right materials. the cost is small and is durable for roofing on your house, Worry not about roofing options because there are many roofing materials available in the market today.

Roofing materials and styles you could choose from include wood and metal composition and ceramic roofing. These roofing options will give your house unique style and look that vary in cost. Another roofing type called composite roofing has been the choice for building houses and edifice way back in ancient times. Asphalt and either fiberglass or organic based materials comprise the modern composite roofing shingles. Composite roofing is has three different categories:

Strip Shingles

This shingle is easily identified with the number of tabs this shingle has. The most common shingle is called three tab shingle. This kind of shingle usually comes with a 20 to 30 years warranty.

Laminated Shingles

Regarded as the most popular shingle among homeowners, roofing contractors and builders, these shingles are characterized by it’s extra thickness and unique quality often called as three dimensional or architectural shingles. This shingle has 30 to 50 year warranty.

Premium Laminate Shingles

Being a top of the line shingle, premium laminate shingles are a much heavier laminate having three layers. This kind of shingle is also larger than the standard laminated shingles. Also, this offers the quality of being moss retardant and modified asphalts. Premium Laminate shingles come with 50 year warranty.

Benefits of Composite Roofing Shingles

Choosing this kind of roofing will give you many great benefits like being long lasting and weather resistant. Installation of these shingles are affordable too and offers wide variety of colors. Also, these shingles come with long warranties even lifetime warranties so you won’t have to worry for repair or replacement costs. Composite roofing shingles also has the great quality of preventing mold and algae growth that’s why it is advisable for people living in places with humid climate to choose this type of shingle.

These many good qualities of composite roofing shingles will definitely benefit both already and potential homeowner. Make your final decision together with a roofing specialist if you are interested in getting composite roofing shingles.


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