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False belief about ventilated roofing replacement

by The Roof Team on October 21, 2011

In countries, that experiences extreme temperatures, ventilation must be considered when thinking about new roofing replacement. Ventilation is important to maintain the integrity of the roof. Extreme high temperatures will increase energy consumption because air-conditioning systems tends to work twice to meet the cooling setting. On the other hand, ventilation is also important on cold temperatures because moisture will damage wood and metal components in a roof. Roofing replacementIn more extreme conditions, ice will accumulate on the roof, which will significantly damage the entire roofing material. For this reason, any house built today is encouraged to place any type of ventilation system. This way, modern houses are assured that roofing material’s life span will be extended. Roof contractors are very helpful to attach ventilation system to the roof. However, there are myths concerning roof ventilation that most people find disturbing. Let us go over some of these myths.

Roofing replacement myths

More vents are better – When homeowner think about installing new roofing replacement for old roofs, almost all of them will think that the more vents installed, the better is the ventilation. Just like any other roofing accessory, having the right number of vents is essential for optimum benefits. Too much vents will more or less do the opposite. For instance, in cold season, too much ventilation will allow cold air to enter and creates moisture. On the other hand, air conditioning system inside the house will be sucked up by the vents making them work harder. Ideally, there is a right number of vents depending on the size and width of the roof. In every three hundred square feet of roofing space, it will require one vent.

Ventilation is only beneficial during hot climates – Some people may think that hot air will be vented out during the summer, which leads to a relaxed and cool living space. However, when using air conditioning systems, the cool air will be vented out by the vents. This will in return increase the workload of the air-conditioning systems. Vents are also important during the winter because it keeps moisture away. The benefits of vents during the winter are much better than the benefits it provides during the summer.

Best ventilation systems are those run with electricity – This may be partly true since exhaust fans effectively create a negative air pressure in the room, which allows cold air outside to be sucked inside. However, on larger scale, exhaust fans may not be as effective as it is. Mechanical ventilations are better because hot air rises and escapes through the vent. The continuous rotating motion of mechanical vents will continues to allow hot air to escape and cool air to come in. this is very effective for larger areas because it has higher amount of hot hair rising.

Having the right vents on your new roofing replacement will remarkably offer the best result when it comes to ventilation. To have the best type of vents installed on your roofing replacement, hire a group of experts that can assess and calculate the number of vents that you need for your new roofing replacement.

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